Limiter object can be used to set actions that are executed if target object crosses the threshold value for at least minimal duration time.
1. Logical Name
Logical name of the object.
2. Monitored value
Defines monitored object and attribute index.
3. Threshold active
Provides the active threshold value to compare.
4. Threshold normal
Provides the normal threshold value to compare.
5. Threshold emergency
Provides the emergency threshold value to compare.
6. Min over threshold duration
Minimal over threshold duration in seconds required to execute the over threshold action.
7. Min under threshold duration
Minimal under threshold duration in seconds required to execute the under threshold action.
8. Emergency profile
Defined by emergency profile ID, activation time and emergency duration.
9. Emergency profile group ID list
Array of group id of the emergency profile.
10. Emergency profile active
Is emergency profile active.
11. Actions
Collection of scripts to execute if value goes up or down of the threshold.
There are no actions available for this object type.Access data from ANSI C
//How to access limiter data. if (object->monitoredValue != NULL) { hlp_printLogicalName("Name: %s\r\n", object->monitoredValue->logicalName); bb_addString(&ba, ": "); printf("%d\r\n", object->selectedAttributeIndex); } var_print(&object->thresholdActive); var_print(&object->thresholdNormal); var_print(&object->thresholdEmergency); printf("%d\r\n", object->minOverThresholdDuration); printf("%d\r\n", object->minUnderThresholdDuration); printf("%d\r\n", object->emergencyProfile.id); time_print(&object->emergencyProfile.activationTime); printf("%d\r\n", object->emergencyProfile.duration); va_print(&object->emergencyProfileGroupIDs) printf("%d\r\n", object->emergencyProfileActive); hlp_printLogicalName("Name: %s\r\n", object->actionOverThreshold.logicalName); printf(" %d\r\n", object->actionOverThreshold.scriptSelector); hlp_printLogicalName("Name: %s\r\n", object->actionUnderThreshold.logicalName); printf("%d\r\n", object->actionUnderThreshold.scriptSelector);