Auto connect object is used to define how the meter will make a connection to the server.
This feature can be used with dynamic IP addresses when the meter IP address is unknown. The meter will establish the connection with a given interval to the reader service so the reader can read the meter when needed.
1. Logical Name
Logical name of the object.
2. Mode
Defines how device is making connection to the server.
3. Repetitions
How many times is try to connect to the server.
4. Repetition delay
How many seconds is waited before reconnect.
5. Calling window
Time window when device try to make connection to the server.
6. Destination list
Contains list of phone numbers, TCP/IP address, etc where connection is made.
There are no actions available for this object type.gxByteBuffer *str; gxtime *start, *end; const unsigned char ln[6] = { 0,0,2,1,0,255 }; cosem_init2((gxObject*)&autoConnect, DLMS_OBJECT_TYPE_AUTO_CONNECT, ln); autoConnect.mode = DLMS_AUTO_CONNECT_MODE_AUTO_DIALLING_ALLOWED_ANYTIME; autoConnect.repetitions = 10; autoConnect.repetitionDelay = 60; //Calling is allowed between 1am to 6am. start = (gxtime*)malloc(sizeof(gxtime)); time_init3(start, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, 0, -1); end = (gxtime*)malloc(sizeof(gxtime)); time_init3(end, -1, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, -1); arr_push(&autoConnect.callingWindow, key_init(start, end)); //Add destination. str = (gxByteBuffer*)malloc(sizeof(gxByteBuffer)); bb_init(str); bb_addString(str, "www.gurux.org"); arr_push(&autoConnect.destinations, str);
//How to loop through all calling window items. gxKey* k; int pos, ret; for (pos = 0; pos != object->callingWindow.size; ++pos) { if (pos != 0) { bb_addString(&ba, ", "); } ret = arr_getByIndex(&object->callingWindow, pos, (void**)&k); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } time_print("From: %s", (gxtime*)k->key); time_print(" to:%s\r\n", (gxtime*)k->value); }
//How to loop through all destinations. int pos, ret; gxByteBuffer *dest; for (pos = 0; pos != object->destinations.size; ++pos) { ret = arr_getByIndex(&object->destinations, pos, (void**)&dest); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } }