By Administrator, 23 January, 2018 When communicating with DLMS smart meters, meter is split for two parts. Communication part, that is defined on DLMS Green Book and Interface part, that is defined on DLMS Blue Book. List of available DLMS COSEM objects and online helps is below: Activity calendar Association Logical Name Auto Connect Auto answer Clock Compact data Data Demand register Disconnect control Extended register GPRS modem setup GSM diagnostic IEC HDLC setup IEC local port setup IPv4 setup IPv6 setup Image transfer Limiter M-Bus Client M-Bus master port setup M-Bus slave port setup MAC address setup Modem configuration PPP setup Profile generic Push Setup Register Register Monitor Register activation Register table SAP assignment Script table Security setup Single action schedule Special days table Status mapping Tcp Udp Setup Utility tables Manufacturer custom objects Book traversal links for Gurux.DLMS.Objects Activity calendar