Clock object is used to save current time.
1. Logical Name
Logical name of the object.
2. Time
Meter’s local date and time.
3. TimeZone
Used time zone. Time zone information is used in date-time value. See more information from the deviation.
- 4. Status
Clock Status.- 5. Begin
When daylight savings begin.- 6. End
When daylight savings end.- 7. Deviation
Deviation in minutes when daylight savings time is used.
- 8. Enabled
Is daylight savings time used.- 9. ClockBase
Defines where timing information comes from.Actions
1. Adjust to quarter
Sets the meter’s time to the nearest (+/-) quarter of an hour value.
2. Adjust to measuring period
Sets the meter’s time to the nearest (+/-) starting point of a measuring period.
3. Adjust to minute
Sets the meter’s time to the nearest minute.
4. Adjust to preset time
Adjust to preset time
5. Preset adjusting time.
Preset adjusting time.
6. Shift time
Shifts the time by given minutes.
Deviation in date time
Deviation is saved to date-time value to tell deviation between the UTC and the meter. Deviation is count from time zone and daylight savings deviation. Daylight savings deviation is added only if daylight savings is enabled.Deviation is causing problems because DLMS standard says the deviation is from normal time to UTC, not UTC time. Read more from Blue Book Date and time formats.
if your meter is using from UTC to Normal time, set GXDLMSClient.UtcTimeZone to true or define DLMS_USE_UTC_TIME_ZONE in ANSI C. Example IDIS is using DLMS way and India, Saudi Arabia and Italy DLMS sub standards are using UTC to Normal time.Below is example what this means using Paris Time zone (UTC+60).
- DLMS and IDIS: -60 minutes.
- India, Saudi Arabia and Italy: 60 minutes.
- 4. Status