Hi Mikko Kurumi Sir, I'm unable to parse the hex values of Billing Date object when I'm reading Billing Profile from the meter. I'm getting readings like this :-
Hi Mikko Kurumi Sir, A big thanks for your continued support, with your help, we are able to develop a DLMS mobile app. I was trying to automate the process of connecting to the meter, and here I got stuck from the past few days.
For making an association, I am setting the following keys, some in MainActivity.java and some in MainFragment.java :-
Hello Mikko Kurumi Sir,
As I am able to read the objects from the meter through the Gurux DLMS android app,
I am getting trouble in reading the data of ProfileGeneric objects, for e.g., Instantaneous Profile, BlockLoad Profile, Daily Load Profile, etc.
I need to see "All" data (or particularly by custom date range).
The first challenge I'm getting is how do I get the data by custom date range.
Secondly, how do I process the data?
I need to connect/disconnect the meter multiple times, but getting issues with invocation counter as its value is incremented on every read value. Where should I use this function: updateFrameCounter() ?
Can you provide an alternate for this, where user can enter "Invocation Counter Data Object Logical Name" (for e.g. "") ?
Hello Sir,
First of all, a big thanks to the Gurux team for providing such level of support and guidance.
As discussed on mail, I am having trouble to run the Gurux DLMS android mobile application.
I've cloned the GitHub repository - https://github.com/Gurux/Gurux.DLMS.Android,
then tried building and running it in android studio.
I was getting this error again & again :-
Previously I tried to make a meter reading application on Android using IEC optical probe media and it was successful, but can it be developed using TCP socket client media to read meters remotely?
i've tried to use Client example for Esp8266. I don't have real physical meter, only a program simulator. I didn't change anything in Client example code and i upload it on ESP. Then i tried to use GXDLMSDirector for simulation.
Name test
manufacturer: Gurux
Interface: HDLC
Authentication: None
Media: Serial
Serial port COM5 (on that port is connected my esp)
Baud 9600
Client address: 10
Resend count:3
Physical Server :1
Hello people,
i've got a project that includes meter, dlms hdlc protocol and esp. My esp needs to be like a server and when meter is connected to server, it sends data TX, and my server needs to receive that data and sends it back RX. So my ESP only receive and send thata from meter without processing data. I saw gurux arduino and it has Client and Server example. What example can i modified for the best results? Has anyone had experience with something similar to my project?
Thanks a lot forum!