Simulator is needed for me to communicate with zigbee module. Module is connected to computer by com port. I am starting server in same com port where zigbee module is connected. Module sends messages to server but it doesn't process these messages. Method handleRequest returns null. Is it possible to communicate with module by changing something in code or not?
You don't need to change anything if you are using Zigbee. The communication channel doesn't affect it. Just start the simulator using the serial port where the ZigBee module is connected.
You client and simulator must use the same settings and I believe they are not using the same settings. The meter is not answering because of that.
Now I am trying to start server with such parameters: -S myCom -x simulator_template.xml -c 32 -a Low. Anyway server writes "Invalid client address 32" after receiving message from my zigbee module. Is there a mistake in parameters maybe? Or should I add something else in parameters?
Hello! I am still very need in your help in this problem: Now I am trying to start server with such parameters: -S myCom -x simulator_template.xml -c 32 -a Low. Anyway server writes "Invalid client address 32" after receiving message from my zigbee module. Is there a mistake in parameters maybe? Or should I add something else in parameters?
What client address the client use? I believe it's using different client address than the simulator. The simulator uses client address 32 and the connecting client must use the same address.
I thought this log "Invalid client address: 32" means that client connected to simulator with client address 32 and it causes error. Now I am starting simulator with client address 32 but this log "Invalid client address: 32" appears again. I do not understand where there is a mistake.
There are multiple ways to establish the connection with DLMS. I believe that one of the settings is different in the client and the simulator and that is causing that the connection fails.
When you have created the simulator_template.xml what client address did you use? I believe it was not 32. Now the client try to connect, but the client address 32 is not found from saved associations.
Open simulator_template.xml and find ClientSAP. It's something like this:
Then change client address to 32 and try to connect again.
So I need to change ClientSAP in simulator_template.xml and then start simulator with such parameters: "-c", "32", "-S", "myCom", "-x", "simulator_template.xml". Do I understand correctly?
Yes, I can't say what settings you should use, because I don't have your simulator device template. The best option is read your meter using client address 32 and save that template and then use it with simulator.
I've read meter with client address 32 and save template. Then I try to send messages throught zigbee module to simlulator but they don't reach simulator. There is no log like "RX:...". What problem can cause it ?
Is the simulator listening the correct serial port?
Comment this line from the GXDLMSMeter.java so all the received bytes are shown. Now received data is shown only after the connection is established.
if (Trace == TraceLevel.VERBOSE && this.getConnectionState() != ConnectionState.NONE)
Hello, What kind of feature…
What kind of feature do you propose?
Hello! Simulator is needed…
Simulator is needed for me to communicate with zigbee module. Module is connected to computer by com port. I am starting server in same com port where zigbee module is connected. Module sends messages to server but it doesn't process these messages. Method handleRequest returns null. Is it possible to communicate with module by changing something in code or not?
Hi, You don't need to change…
You don't need to change anything if you are using Zigbee. The communication channel doesn't affect it. Just start the simulator using the serial port where the ZigBee module is connected.
You client and simulator must use the same settings and I believe they are not using the same settings. The meter is not answering because of that.
Hello! Now I am trying to…
Now I am trying to start server with such parameters: -S myCom -x simulator_template.xml -c 32 -a Low. Anyway server writes "Invalid client address 32" after receiving message from my zigbee module. Is there a mistake in parameters maybe? Or should I add something else in parameters?
Hello! I am still very need…
Hello! I am still very need in your help in this problem: Now I am trying to start server with such parameters: -S myCom -x simulator_template.xml -c 32 -a Low. Anyway server writes "Invalid client address 32" after receiving message from my zigbee module. Is there a mistake in parameters maybe? Or should I add something else in parameters?
Hi, What client address the…
What client address the client use? I believe it's using different client address than the simulator. The simulator uses client address 32 and the connecting client must use the same address.
I thought this log "Invalid…
I thought this log "Invalid client address: 32" means that client connected to simulator with client address 32 and it causes error. Now I am starting simulator with client address 32 but this log "Invalid client address: 32" appears again. I do not understand where there is a mistake.
Hi, There are multiple ways…
There are multiple ways to establish the connection with DLMS. I believe that one of the settings is different in the client and the simulator and that is causing that the connection fails.
I still do not understand…
I still do not understand what means "Invalid client address:32"?
Hi, When you have created…
When you have created the simulator_template.xml what client address did you use? I believe it was not 32. Now the client try to connect, but the client address 32 is not found from saved associations.
Open simulator_template.xml and find ClientSAP. It's something like this:
Then change client address to 32 and try to connect again.
Hello! So I need to change…
So I need to change ClientSAP in simulator_template.xml and then start simulator with such parameters: "-c", "32", "-S", "myCom", "-x", "simulator_template.xml". Do I understand correctly?
Hi, Yes, I can't say what…
Yes, I can't say what settings you should use, because I don't have your simulator device template. The best option is read your meter using client address 32 and save that template and then use it with simulator.
Hello! I've read meter with…
I've read meter with client address 32 and save template. Then I try to send messages throught zigbee module to simlulator but they don't reach simulator. There is no log like "RX:...". What problem can cause it ?
Hi, Is the simulator…
Is the simulator listening the correct serial port?
Comment this line from the GXDLMSMeter.java so all the received bytes are shown. Now received data is shown only after the connection is established.
if (Trace == TraceLevel.VERBOSE && this.getConnectionState() != ConnectionState.NONE)
Hello! I commented this line…
I commented this line. Now logs with RX appeared but anyway simulator doesn't answer on these messages from my module. What can I do to change this?
Hi, One of your meter…
One of your meter settings is different from that the client sends and the meter ignores the message.
Check client address that the client is using. It should be 0x20 (32).