To help our users to read and understand DLMS protocol better we have made Gurux DLMS Translator.
Using Gurux DLMS Translator you can convert DLMS PDU or ASN.1 to XML format. You can also convert XML to PDU or ASN.1 bytes.
Using message translator you can paste log file example from GXDLMSDirector and convert DLMS bytes a more readable XML format.
New functionality
Support for gateway protocol added.…
Conformance test generator multiple blocks handling improved.
CompactArray and Dedicated key support added.
DLMS translator improved to handle Wireless M-Bus frames.…
Support for General Block Transfer added.
ASCII to hex converter added.
Added a lot of companies to Manufacturers, who are interested from smart metering .
Now it's easier to get a picture of how many companies are working on this area.
All companies are not making meters, there are companies who are also reading them.
PDU can be given as a parameter:
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