The purpose of Gurux DLMS translator is to help understand DLMS protocol better and show the possible errors.
Gurux DLMS translator consists of three parts.
- Messages to XML converter
- PDU to XML converter
- Data to XML converter
Messages to XML converter
Gurux DLMS Translator converts received data frames (bytes) to XML format. Gurux DLMS translator will find data frames from the hex data.
Gurux DLMS translator will parse the data even if there are external data, comments, etc. If data is not found, make sure the communication interface is selected that the meter is using to send the data.
The XML window is empty if the wrong communication interface is selected. Gurux DLMS translator can also convert ciphered data and show it if correct ciphering settings are set.
The usage is simple. Add DLMS communication frames to the left side and select "File" and "Translate". Gurux DLMS Translator converts received data frames to XML format. Translated XML data is shown on the right text box.
Gurux DLMS translator can handle following Interfaces:
- WRAPPER (used with TCP/IP or UDP communication)
- Wireless M-Bus
- PLC with HDLC frames
- Wired M-Bus
Show messages
Show messages define messages are shown. Sometimes it's handy to see only, error messages or received messages. By default, all the messages are shown.
Remove duplicates
Remove duplicates will remove sequential duplicate messages. This is handy when there are echo messages on the frame stream.
PDU to XML converter
PDU to XML converter converts DLMS PDUs to XML format or vice versa. Add PDU as hex string to upper text box and select "File" and "PDU to XML". The PDU is shown in XML format on the lower text box.
You can modify the XML and see how it will affect the DLMS PDU bytes. This can be done by adding PDU to the lower text bow and selecting "File" and "XML to PDU".
Data to XML converter
Data to XML converter converts DLMS data to XML. DLMS data format consist always from the DLMS data type and actual data. Some data types are easier (Ex. UIn16) and some are harder like CompactArray.