Supported Device Manufacturers
Gurux DLMSDirector is an easy-to-use application to communicate with DLMS/COSEM smart meters. Even DLMS is a standard, there are several parameters that are manufacturer depending. For this reason there is a tool in GXDLMSDirector that you can use to set correct parameter so you can talk with the meter. To view the list of manufacturers, whose devices have build-in support in GXDLMSDirector,select Manufacturers..., in the Tools menu.

- on the left, you get a (1) list of the supported device manufacturers, and
- on the right, you see the (2) manufacturer specific settings
(of the selected manufacturer).
- add a new manufacturer to the list
- edit the settings of any listed manufacturer
- remove a manufacturer from the list,
and below them, (4) button to update manufacturer settings online, and (5) buttons to confirm, or cancel the removal.

Add a manufacturer in the list
- In the Manufacturers dialog, click the New button.
- In the opening Manufacturer Settings dialog (picture below)
- enter the Name and ID of the manufacturer company
- formal names and IDs of device manufacturers listed at
- formal names and IDs of device manufacturers listed at
- check, whether to use Logical name referencing
- using Logical Names (LN) is based on OBIS codes
- Short Names (SN) use simply register addresses
- check, whether to use WRAPPER
- WRAPPER is COSEM transport layers for IPv4 networks
- Defined on standard IEC 62056-47
- relevant only with Network connection
- select the Start Protocol
- starting protocol: IEC (default) or straight DLMS
- In the Addressing section
- check, whether to Enable authentication, and select Authentication level None / Low / High
- set Client Address in Hex
- In the Server Address section
- select the Address Type:
- Default (according to the standard),
- SerialNumber (used in multi-drop connections to get a unique HDLC address for each device), or
- Custom (for devices that do not support the standard)
- select the Type of the server address: Byte / UInt16 / UInt32
- enter Serial Number Formula, if using SerialNumber Address Type
- set the Physical and Logical address, to form the server address
- select the Address Type:
- Finally, to close the Manufacturer Settings dialog, and save the added manufacturer, click OK.
- enter the Name and ID of the manufacturer company
- Back in the Manufacturers dialog, click the OK button.
- Exit, and restart GXDLMSDirector, for the changes to take effect.
Note: The settings set here are used by default, when adding a new device in the system.
However, some of the manufacturer dependent settings can be changed for a device, when adding it.
Edit manufacturer specific settings
- In the Manufacturers dialog, select the manufacturer, whose settings to edit.
- Click the Edit button.
- In the opening Manufacturer Settings dialog, edit the required settings.
- Save the changes by clicking the OK button.
- Back in the Manufacturers dialog, click the OK button.
- The Manufacturer ID is not editable, once it is set. This is to avoid errors that occur, if the ID is changed by mistake.
- If the Manufacturer ID needs to be changed, you need to
- Create a new Manufacturer with a correct ID.
- Remove the one with the incorrect ID.
Remove a manufacturer from the list
To remove an existing manufacturer from the list- Select the manufacturer to remove.
- Click Remove button.
- Click OK button to confirm the removal.
Attention, Device Manufacturers
If your meter type is not yet supported, kindly, send us the settings, and we'll
publish a manufacturer template for your device type, too. This way, you will get more visibility, and our users will get more easy-to-use options.
To get your settings in the list
- Save your settings by creating a new manufacturer with your name and ID.
- Restart GXDLMSDirector.
- Go to directory C:\ProgramData\Gurux\OBIS or, in older systems, C:\Program Files\Common Files\Gurux\OBIS.
- Copy the .obx file with your ID, and attach it to an E-mail message to us.
When there are new manufacturer templates available, you get a notification on the UI of GXDLMSDirector.