Device Properties
Using device properties you can configure GXDLMSDirector to read your meter. Meter settings are depending from manufacture and meter model. Depending from the meter and given settings, if settings are not correct meter is not answer anything or sends error. Usually if meter is not answer anything meter address is wrong. If manufacturer of the meter is not shown on Manufacturer list you can add it as described on add new manufacturer.By default the settings given in Manufacturer Settings are used to communicate with a device. However, when adding a new Device in the system, the Device Properties dialog includes text fields and drop-down lists to change the editable settings of a device.

Device name describes meter.Manufacturer
Manufacturer of the meter. This must be correct or usually meter is not answer anything.Start protocol
If meter is read using optical probe (head) IEC 62056-21 is usually selected. Otherwise DLMS is selected.Logical Name Referencing
Is meter using Logical Name Referencing or Short Name Referencing. Most of the meters are using Logical Name Referencing.Authentication
Used authentication level. Supported authentication levels depend from the used meter. Authentication levels describes how user can access the meter. Using Authentication level None only read operations are allowed. List of available objects might vary from used Authentication level.Client Address
Used client address in hex format. Usually different authentication levels have different client address. Default is 16 (0x10).Password
Used password. Note! Password might be different for each authentication level.Wait time
How long reply is wait from the meter. Value is given as a seconds.Resend count
How many times data is try to resend to the meter.Address type
Used Meter address. Meter address is divided for Physical and Logical part. Also serial number of the meter cab be used as meter address.Interface type
Interface type depends from the used communication channel.Logical Server
Logical Server address in hex format.Physical Server
Physical Server address in hex format.Media
Used media type. Supported media types are Serial port, TCP/IP, UDP, Terminal and own custom medias.Verbose Mode
If verbose mode is used media as rend more information from received bytes, etc. This can be used to solve communication problems.Media specific settings
Device Properties dialog asks for media specific settings, according to the selected connection media. Net- Enter the Host name (IP Address of the physical device).
- Enter the number of the Port to use.
- Check the check box if using Serial port through ethernet.
- Select the Serial Port to use. To set more accurate settings (BitRate, DataBits, Parity, StopBits, ParityCheck, and Flow Control), click the Advanced... button.
- Enter the Phone Number.
- Select the Serial Port to use. To set more accurate settings (BitRate, DataBits, Parity, StopBits, and Flow Control), click the Advanced... button.
Max payload size in transmit
Maximum payload size in transmit.Max payload size in receive
Maximum payload size in receive.Window size in transmit
Window size in transmit.Window size in receive
Window size in receive.Server address size
Some meters can handle only specific HDLC address size. Usually this is not needed.Inactivity timeout
Meter will close connection if keep alive message is not send during this time.Priority
Used priority.Service Class
Service class.Use UTC time zone, not standard
DLMS standard defines that time zone is from normal time to UTC time. UTC time is used in some country standards like Italian UNI/TS 11291-11-2 and Saudi Electricity Company DLMS standard. Set this value to True, if you want to use UTC time.Read more from Clock object.