I have been trying to understand the source code of the director (https://github.com/Gurux/GXDLMSDirector)
and i have read and tried the c# .net example (https://github.com/Gurux/Gurux.DLMS.Net/tree/master) with no luck.
I do not understand the InitializeIEC flag in the sample and it does not have the implementation/definition of that flag.
I am using HDLC and, based on the director by debugging it on run-time, I was able to ascertain that it jumps the InitializeIEC() method (.cs line 708) in the GXDLMSCommunicator class after opening the media object.
I've been trying to map and understand the class relationships but the director having locally defined class outside of the packaged libraries only confuses me. Some of it are helper classes and some are new classes inheriting from the library classes.
Please help me understand the initialization steps. Do I need a manufacturer, device, meter, client, media objects and such to initialize my communication?
I'd also like some help on reading the association view so that I can check if I'm properly connected to the device.
So far, using the director, I'm only setting up the device name, manufacturer, authentication, password, and the serial parameters.
Also, I am currently initializing my serial connection using the IGXMedia as GXSerial and by far media.Open() works. But I am lost as to what to do after that.
My biggest thanks to those who will respond ^-^
Hi, InitializeIEC is used…
InitializeIEC is used with an optical probe if it supports HdlcWithModeE. You can see the command line arguments for the client example when you select the meter in GXDLMSDirector.
If you are using HDLC then you don't need InitializeIEC.
There are many settings that depend on the meter, and if any of them are different from what the meter expects, the meter will not respond.