I have been trying to connect to Hexing HXF300 electricity meter using serial number because I want to read data from multiple meters, but it seems doesnt work. I dont know if it is because Hexing does not use standard formula or what else. Does anybody know the formula for Hexing HXF300 meter?
Thanks in Advance
Hi, If you can establish the…
If you can establish the connection to the meter read the device address from IEC HDLC Setup object and use it as a server physical address.
Hi thanks for your response,…
Hi thanks for your response, sorry my bad I did not give enough information of troubles I am facing.
- I am using python gurux dlms library
- I am currently able to connect to meter through RS485 using logical addres = 0 and physiscal addres = 1, but this is not what I wanted
- I need to read multiples HXF300 meters, so I declare several GXDLMSClient object to connect to each meter through serial number
- I don't have access to HLS, only LLS, so the way to connect to each meter I rely on serial number
- I can't connect to meter using the default formula of python library, I also tried several formula I have searched through forum but none of them work
- Can I connect to each meter first using default logical and physical address, and read each meter device address from IEC HDLC Setup as you said and use it later to each GXDLMSClient?
Hi, Converting the serial…
Converting the serial number to the meter address is not defined by DLMS standards. This is sad because different manufacturers are using different ways to count it.
Our customers are reading Hexing meters with serial numbers, but I can't remember the used models.
Have you selected the Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd as a manufacturer and selected SerialNumber as the address type in GXDLMSDirector? Can you read your meter with GXDLMSDirector?
Yes, I have tried that with…
Yes, I have tried that with GXDLMSDirector, but sadly it did not work. I also tried what you suggested to read the IecHdlcObject. I could do that yesterday with GXDLMSDirector, but when I read the object the attribute value no. 9 which is the device address return as device reports a undefined object. I see, what did your customers input to the serial number address? because it is impossible to write the full serial number in the GXDLMSDirector, so I just submitted the last 4 digit.
Hi, If you can't read the…
If you can't read the device address then it must use serial number. The last four bytes should be enough. Do you have any documentation from the meter that describes this?
It might be that HXF300 is using a different way to count the address meter than our customer's meters.
Have you tried to find the address with HDLC Address resolver?
If example my meter SN is…
If example my meter SN is 14631972553, for the last 4 bytes is it in hex as 68 22 2E C9 or it is in 31 97 25 53?
I have the HXF300 user manual but they do not explain about that unfortunately.
Okay I will try using the HDLC address resolver to see if I can find addresses
Hi, You just need to select …
You just need to select "Serial Number" as the address type. Then give 2553 as a serial number.
I have tried that but it did…
I have tried that but it did not work, maybe Hexing company in my country had different formula because they need to follow the cetifications under the government electricity company.
But the good thing is I found 3 usable addres from the HDLC address resolver. But currently I only have 1 device with me so I cannot compare the found address to compare and maybe find the formula.
Maybe I will update again after the other devices sent to me.
Thank you for all of your help