By ALaa, 11 December, 2024 Forums General discussion hello i have dlms client in python code i want to connect it with server simulator test my code and i am very confussed and dont know how to do it can pls help me Hi, Download and compile the… Hi, Download and compile the simulator:… Then start it: Gurux.DLMS.Simulator.Net.exe -p 1000 -x crystal.xml -t Verbose -N 10 Now you can connect with Python client. python -h localhost -p 1000 BR, Mikko i did it and when i started… i did it and when i started it it gaved me this errore DLMS HDLC Logical Name simulator start in Tcp ports 1000-1009. Invalid device template file crystal.xml and iam sorry i have another… and iam sorry i have another question and thatnks by the way for helping does client have to be in gurux library only cant i use dlms_cosem library Hi, You can use any DLMS… Hi, You can use any DLMS library to read the simulated DLMS meter. BR, Mikko Log in or register to post comments
Hi, Download and compile the… Hi, Download and compile the simulator:… Then start it: Gurux.DLMS.Simulator.Net.exe -p 1000 -x crystal.xml -t Verbose -N 10 Now you can connect with Python client. python -h localhost -p 1000 BR, Mikko
i did it and when i started… i did it and when i started it it gaved me this errore DLMS HDLC Logical Name simulator start in Tcp ports 1000-1009. Invalid device template file crystal.xml
and iam sorry i have another… and iam sorry i have another question and thatnks by the way for helping does client have to be in gurux library only cant i use dlms_cosem library
Hi, You can use any DLMS… Hi, You can use any DLMS library to read the simulated DLMS meter. BR, Mikko
Hi, Download and compile the…
Download and compile the simulator:…
Then start it:
Gurux.DLMS.Simulator.Net.exe -p 1000 -x crystal.xml -t Verbose -N 10
Now you can connect with Python client.
python -h localhost -p 1000
i did it and when i started…
i did it and when i started it it gaved me this errore
DLMS HDLC Logical Name simulator start in Tcp ports 1000-1009.
Invalid device template file crystal.xml
and iam sorry i have another…
and iam sorry i have another question and thatnks by the way for helping does client have to be in gurux library only cant i use dlms_cosem library
Hi, You can use any DLMS…
You can use any DLMS library to read the simulated DLMS meter.