Hello Gurux Forum,
I am using the Push Listener to read data from the ISKRA AM550.
All good for now - but what I found out is that the meter pushes every full hour (f.e.: xx:00:00) one (1) frame that comes along with strange data.
I tried to contact the grid service and Iskra themselves but no answer for now.
Anybody knows what that is and how to handle it?
Thanks for any kind of feedback!
Here one frame/readout example:
(V) DLMS frame:
(V) 0F 00 A1 7F 04 0C 07 E8 09 0D 05 0B 00 00 00 FF
(V) 88 80 02 0A 09 10 49 53 4B 31 30 33 30 37 38 39
(V) 30 31 34 37 33 31 09 04 55 50 31 68 06 00 4E 95
(V) BC 06 00 61 A1 E7 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00
(V) 06 00 00 EF 3A 06 00 02 1C 04 06 00 19 B1 9D 06
(V) 00 1E 3D 73
<LongInvokeIdAndPriority Value="10583812" />
<!--2024-09-13 11:00:00-->
<DateTime Value="07E8090D050B000000FF8880" />
<Structure Qty="10" >
<OctetString Value="49534B31303330373839303134373331" />
<OctetString Value="55503168" />
<UInt32 Value="5150140" />
<UInt32 Value="6398439" />
<UInt32 Value="0" />
<UInt32 Value="0" />
<UInt32 Value="61242" />
<UInt32 Value="138244" />
<UInt32 Value="1683869" />
<UInt32 Value="1981811" />
Log from the reader/python script:
New data is received. A0 61 CF 02 23 13 63 CA E6 E7 00 0F 00 A5 73 CC 0C 07 E8 09 10 01 0B 00 00 00 FF 88 80 02 0A 09 10 49 53 4B 31 30 33 30 37 38 39 30 31 34 37 33 31 09 04 55 50 31 68 06 00 4E DE DC 06 00 63 26 AD 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 EF 9E 06 00 02 25 42 06 00 19 CA AE 06 00 1E 90 08 F4 F7 7E 7E A0 60 CF 02 23 13 27 C1 E6 E7 00 0F 00 A5 73 CD 0C 07 E8 09 10 01 0B 00 00 00 FF 88 80 02 0C 09 10 49 53 4B 31 30 33 30 37 38 39 30 31 34 37 33 31 09 05 55 50 5F 33 66 12 09 0B 12 09 13 12 09 0A 12 01 09 12 00 B4 12 00 3F 06 00 00 03 0E 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 06 00 00 01 D4 65 2F 7E
<Structure Qty="0A" >
<OctetString Value="49534B31303330373839303134373331" />
<OctetString Value="55503168" />
<UInt32 Value="004EDEDC" />
<UInt32 Value="006326AD" />
<UInt32 Value="00000000" />
<UInt32 Value="00000000" />
<UInt32 Value="0000EF9E" />
<UInt32 Value="00022542" />
<UInt32 Value="0019CAAE" />
<UInt32 Value="001E9008" />
Converted ASCII String 1: ISK1030789014731
Converted ASCII String 2: UP_3f
ASCII Value: ISK1030789014731, Logical Name: 0-0:42.0.0 Item: COSEM logical device name
Published to ISKRA/0-0:42_0_0: {"value": "ISK1030789014731"}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2929)
ASCII Value: UP1h, Logical Name: 0-0:96.1.2 Item: Device ID 3
Published to ISKRA/0-0:96_1_2: {"value": "UP1h"}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2930)
Value: 516886.0, Logical Name: 1-0:32.7.0 Item: Instantaneous voltage L1
Data published to MQTT.
Data published to MQTT.
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:32_7_0: {"value": 516886.0}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2931)
Value: 649796.5, Logical Name: 1-0:52.7.0 Item: Instantaneous voltage L2
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:52_7_0: {"value": 649796.5}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2932)
Value: 0.0, Logical Name: 1-0:72.7.0 Item: Instantaneous voltage L3
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:72_7_0: {"value": 0.0}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2933)
Value: 0.0, Logical Name: 1-0:31.7.0 Item: Instantaneous current L1
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:31_7_0: {"value": 0.0}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2934)
Value: 613.42, Logical Name: 1-0:51.7.0 Item: Instantaneous current L2
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:51_7_0: {"value": 613.42}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2935)
Value: 1406.1, Logical Name: 1-0:71.7.0 Item: Instantaneous current L3
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:71_7_0: {"value": 1406.1}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2936)
Value: 1690286, Logical Name: 1-0:1.7.0 Item: Instantaneous active import power (+A)
Data published to MQTT.
Published to ISKRA/1-0:1_7_0: {"value": 1690286}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2937)
Value: 2002952, Logical Name: 1-0:2.7.0 Item: Instantaneous active export power (-A)
Published to ISKRA/1-0:2_7_0: {"value": 2002952}, MQTT result: (<MQTTErrorCode.MQTT_ERR_SUCCESS: 0>, 2938)
Hi, The content of the meter…
The content of the meter's push message depends on how it's configured.
So it can be anything. Only the meter owner (grid service) knows it.
Here is the description of some values that I can see from the data.
This is send time.
<!--2024-09-13 11:00:00-->
<DateTime Value="07E8090D050B000000FF8880" />
<Structure Qty="10" >
This is meter serial number.
<OctetString Value="49534B31303330373839303134373331" />
I believe that this describes the push message. There might be several push messages and this is used to identify the content of the push messsage.
<OctetString Value="55503168" />
Those are unknown values and they depend on how the meter is configured.
<UInt32 Value="5150140" />
<UInt32 Value="6398439" />
<UInt32 Value="0" />
<UInt32 Value="0" />
<UInt32 Value="61242" />
<UInt32 Value="138244" />
<UInt32 Value="1683869" />
<UInt32 Value="1981811" />
Thank You for Your answer…
Thank You for Your answer.
All good, solved it and all working perfect.
Cheers, Ivan