pip install --upgrade gurux-dlmsIf you use Java Maven add this to your POM-file:
<dependency> <groupId>org.gurux</groupId> <artifactId>gurux.dlms</artifactId> <version>4.0.26</version> </dependency>Note! Check latest version. If you are using Java, Import new Project selecting "Existing Maven Project". Import examples separately. If you import only main Project, you can't debug or run examples.
If you are using ANSI C you need to copy src and include folders under the development folder to dlms folder. You can decrease memory usage by defining the features that aren't used. This is done in makefile or gxignore.h file. If you are using makefile add compiler parameters that are not needed like this:
CFLAGS=-GX_DLMS_MICROCONTROLLER -DDLMS_USE_EPOCH_TIMEIf you want to use gxignore.h file open it and un-comment not needed features.
#define DLMS_IGNORE_SERVER #define DLMS_IGNORE_CLIENT #define GX_DLMS_MICROCONTROLLERYou should read FAQ first. After that you can do your own AMR reader application or server/proxy simulator using instructions that are below. If you have problems you can ask your questions in Gurux Forum of you can report issue or feature request for .Net, Java, ANSI C++, ANSI C or Delphi. Gurux.DLMS library is a high-performance component that helps you to read you DLMS/COSEM compatible electricity, gas or water meters. Component is available for csharp, java, ANSI C++ and Delphi. So you can select what programming language you want to use. We have tried to make component so easy to use that you do not need understand protocol at all. You do not nesessary need to use Gurux.Serial, Gurux.Terminal or Gurux.Net. You can use any connection library you want to. Gurux.DLMS classes only parse the data.
- How to make DLMS client for smart meter.
- How to make DLMS smart meter or broxy.
- Conformance describes functionality what meter can offer.
- How to send and receive notifications.
- Secured connections.
- Reading meters using Dynamic IP addresses in GPRS connection.