I am testing meter using MQTT interface. I am not using the Gurux broker and bridge in this testing.
On MQTT subscriber I got ACK and response from meter.
Before we getting a response, we received ACK from the meter.
Now, using that ACK we can check weather response will receive or not.
If ACK is true then a response will receive from the meter.
If ACK is false then a response will not come from the meter and we need to send the request again.
So In that case how I can handle ACK in media.Receive event?
We were using this approach before, but it was causing too much traffic. Meter is always sending a response, so you do not need this. This is not a problem when you have a few meters, but it will cause problems when you scale.
Hi Mikko,
Hi Mikko,
Can you please provide an update ?
Hi Bhaumik,
Hi Bhaumik,
We were using this approach before, but it was causing too much traffic. Meter is always sending a response, so you do not need this. This is not a problem when you have a few meters, but it will cause problems when you scale.