We are trying to read the block data ( from the Smart Meter using optical prob. While using Director it works but the same is not working with .net example. have taken updated version of Gurux.
This is smart meter is CMS make with kalkitech meter software. We are using use of invocation counter. by passing it we pass higher number than the previous.
below is additional setting we pass.
Can you read for example the clock or is ReadbyRow only causing this problem? Have you read the Invocation counter before you try to connect for the meter?
after setting Authentication mode = High and client address = 48 it is now reading data. yes, I read invocation counter before reading data.
but the issue is now with date time "UseUtc2NormalTime" is not having any impact either setting true or false on data reading. it always adds 5+30 hours in date time.
If you are using the ChangeType method you need to use the useUtc parameter ad set it to true.
Something like:
GXDLMSClient.ChangeType(METER_DATA, DataType.DateTime, true);
GXDLMSDirector is using C# code so one of your settings is different.
I believe that "Use UTC time zone, not standard" is selected in the advanced tab in GXDLMSDirector.
Check that you have set UseUtc2NormalTime to true in your C# code.
Hi Mikko,
Hi Mikko,
As suggested I set it true, but same error is coming. even I can not able to read events , billing data.
I forget to inform you that, I am reading meter in 'US' mode on Director. please let me know in this what is authentication level.
Plz suggest.
Hi Sachin Ambre,
Hi Sachin Ambre,
Can you read for example the clock or is ReadbyRow only causing this problem? Have you read the Invocation counter before you try to connect for the meter?
Hi Mikko,
Hi Mikko,
after setting Authentication mode = High and client address = 48 it is now reading data. yes, I read invocation counter before reading data.
but the issue is now with date time "UseUtc2NormalTime" is not having any impact either setting true or false on data reading. it always adds 5+30 hours in date time.
If you are using the ChangeType method you need to use the useUtc parameter ad set it to true.
Something like:
GXDLMSClient.ChangeType(METER_DATA, DataType.DateTime, true);