DLMS error codes are derived for five categories.
- Exception response.
- Confirmed service error
- (ACSE-Service) User error
- Data access result
- Action result
Exception response
1. Operation not possible
Operation not possible. This can mean anything.
2. Other reason
This can mean anything.
3. Service not supported
Service is not supported. This comes when client try to use the service that is not supported. List of available services.
4. Deciphering error
Deciphering error usually means that messages must be ciphered or connection to the meter fails. You can get more information from Secured Connections FAQ
5. Invocation counter error
Invocation counter is invalid. Meter expects that invocation counter is read from the meter and that value is used. Expected value is read from the frame counter.
Note! There might be several frame counters and you must read the right one!
Confirmed service error
Confirmed service errors is collection of errors. Root level describes error type and value defines occurred error.(ACSE-Service) User error
1. No reason is given.
No reason is given error can mean anything.
2. The application context name is not supported.
The application context name is not supported. This is fixed if "Use Logical Name Referencing" value is changed.
3. Calling AP title not recognized.
Calling AP title not recognized.
4. Calling AP invocation Identifier not recognized.
Calling AP invocation Identifier not recognized.
5. Calling AE qualifier not recognized.
Calling AE qualifier not recognized.
6. Calling AE invocation identifier not recognized
Calling AE invocation identifier not recognized.
7. Called AP title not recognized.
Called AP title not recognized.
8. Called AP invocation identifier not recognized.
Called AP invocation identifier not recognized.
9. Called AE qualifier not recognized.
Called AE qualifier not recognized.
10. Called AE invocation identifier not recognized.
Called AE invocation identifier not recognized.
11. Authentication mechanism name not recognized.
Authentication mechanism name not recognized.
12. Authentication mechanism name is required.
Authentication mechanism name is required means that connections are not allowed for public client where authentication level is None.
13. Authentication failure.
Authentication failure means that password is wrong.
14. Authentication is required.
Authentication is required means that client can't establish the connection without authentication.
Data access result
Data access result errors occurred when client try to read or write data to the meter.-
1. Hardware fault
Meter reports from hardware fault.
2. Temporary failure
Device reports a temporary failure.
3. Read write denied
Device reports Read-Write denied. You can try to connect again using a higher authentication level.
4. UndefinedObject
The device reports an undefined object. This usually means that the object is not in the connected association or the type of logical name is wrong.
9. InconsistentClass
Device reports a inconsistent Class or object. Usually this means that you try to write invalid data to the meter.
11. UnavailableObject
Device reports a unavailable object. This object is not found. Check Logical name and Object type.
12. UnmatchedType
Device reports a unmatched type. Usually data is try to wrote with wrong type.
13. AccessViolated
Device reports scope of access violated.
14. DataBlockUnavailable
Data block is unavailable.
15. LongGetOrReadAborted
Long Get Or Read Aborted.
16. NoLongGetOrReadInProgress
No Long Get Or Read In Progress.
17. LongSetOrWriteAborted
Long Set Or Write Aborted.
18. NoLongSetOrWriteInProgress
No Long Set Or Write In Progress.
19. DataBlockNumberInvalid
Data Block Number Invalid.
255. OtherReason
Other reason.
Action result errors
Action result errors occurred when client try invoke meter methods (actions).-
1. HardwareFault
Meter reports from hardware fault.
2. TemporaryFailure
Device reports a temporary failure.
3. ReadWriteDenied
Device reports Read-Write denied. You can try to connect again using higher authentication level.
4. UndefinedObject
Device reports a undefined object.
9. InconsistentClass
Device reports a inconsistent Class or object
11. UnavailableObject
Device reports a unavailable object. This object is not found. Check Logical name and Object type.
12. UnmatchedType
Device reports a unmatched type. Usually data is try to write with wrong type..
13. AccessViolated
Device reports scope of access violated.
14. DataBlockUnavailable
Data block is unavailable.
15. LongActionAborted
Long action aborted.
16. NoLongActionInProgress
No long action in progress.
255. OtherReason
Other reason.